Tourism is the fastest growing and largest major mass market consumer activity on planet earth.
The Voice of Experience
Tourism Think Tank is a unique market intelligence, strategic planning and brand building consultancy founded in 2012 by Don Morris AO.
We’re a tourism brains trust disrupting the status quo. We deliver insightful strategy and creative outcomes underpinned by decades of experience.
Our Team has unparalleled hard ‘rock face’ experience in strategic market positioning and long-term creative brand building for some of Australia’s most famous tourism brands and entities.
Our strategic and creative influence has spanned across major regional cities, large scale integrated tourism developments, Great Barrier Reef islands, resorts, hotels, marinas, theme parks, indigenous cultural attractions to name a few.
Our candid and impartial advice stems from a deep well of experience-based intuition, imagination and creativity, supported by robust research and analytical insight. Tourism Think Tank looks endlessly behind and beyond the data to bring its unique understanding of the intensely wanderlust-driven, universal motivations of today’s demanding, quality seeking, high-yield global traveller.